since I upgraded to Typescript 2.6.2 I'm getting compiler errors in my projects whenever I reference Polymer in Typescript:
Error: TS2304: Cannot find name 'Polymer'.
Error: TS2304: Cannot fi…
The following code doesn't show correctly themed `vaadin-side-nav-item`:
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js'
import '@vaadin/side-nav/…
Atom migrated to using customElements from document.registerElement. Due
to this move, now there is need to attach some elements to the DOM on
some specs.
__Originally posted by @sadick254 in https…
Works great, but I have found that the when it is used on a method in a base class of inherited custom element, it doesn't work. I have specifically used it to observe `@deepComputed` property, but th…
I have a component that uses vue-i18n and works as a normal vue component.
When creating web component I had `TypeError: this is undefined` error with typescript, then created the component with t…
Currently, module-resolver only works for a CDN like unpkg or using alias. We should give the ability to resolve module named imports to the node_modules folder.
import { LitElemen…
The code for checking if the extended element is framable doesn't make sure that the value is a string (alternatively; that the value checked is the same value that is forwarded):
I don't understand why we can't offer the simple customElement.define(el,class) interface directly and let that return The upgraded Element
We could then simply have array collections listening on …
In the JavaScript version of Froala Editor, the example from [this page](https://froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/examples/insert-html/), works, but in the "angular-froala-wysiwyg" component, it doesn't.
When I apply the fix for `someFunc ` in this code:
import { LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement } from "lit/decorators.js";
class Something {
constructor() {