I trained my own yolov4 model and change the weight file to TF version.
but TF version take about 30 seconds for only one image.
is it normal??
I expected less than 1 second so.
I think yo…
I have a trained yolov4 darknet model and I want to continue training in pytorch. Can I do that?
Hi, thanks for the great work!!
The testing command is :python test.py --img 640 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 --batch 8 --device 0 --data coco.yaml --cfg models/yolov4-csp.cfg --weights weights/yolov4-c…
I recently converted a custom yolov4-tiny model and have it converted to IR using this script. I then did a side by side comparison between the darknet model and the converted IR mode. I…
python object_detection_demo_yolov3_async.py -i D://bike.avi -m frozen_darknet_yolov4_model.xml -d CPU
(tf1.x) C:\Users\10048720\Downloads\OpenVINO-YOLOV4-master>python object_detecti
@maudzung Hi,
Nice work!
Did you compare speed and accuracy of Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch vs other algorithms on Kitti dataset?
Is it still better in accuracy and speed than other competitors?
I changed .cfg file for small objects like here: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet#how-to-improve-object-detection
and when I run `python save_model.py --model yolov4` , I got this error:
Hi, I am running this master repo with yolov4.cfg. I find the image size option in train.py is not introduced to Darknet when creating the backbone module. The img_size is still using the default set …
I want to convert my darknet weights to tensorflow. when I use the command :
python save_model.py --weights ./data/yolov4-tier_last.weights --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-320 --input_size 320 --model…
I would like to fine-tune a YOLOv4 pre-trained model on a new dataset that has only 1 class I would like YOLOv4 to be able to detect, which is ambulance vehicle.
The first step is to find a pre-tra…