Do you think that the vgg16 can be replaced with ResNet? Would the idea of dilation work well?
调用 convert_video( ),输入为图片路径,输出的图片是透明背景,是否有办法更换背景为黑色背景
Hello, I was successful to achieve the performance as your report. I was download the PSPNet caffe and build with cudnn 5.0.
Then I run the code
python convert.py ./pspnet101_cityscapes_7…
Hi to all!
I have never used docopt package before. To be able to execute the train.py file, which argument should I input to docstr variable? Im getting an error at "args = docopt(docstr, version='v…
I started a training from scratch with train.py with VOC2012 data set. I downloaded the Augmented GTs and plugged in to the data set. Now the GTs are the augmented GTs and original jpg files from…
I am trying to do semantic segmentation using the Panoptic-Deeplab example (https://github.com/google-research/deeplab2/blob/main/g3doc/projects/panoptic_deeplab.md) and setting this to *false*…
There are no examples of doing Image Segmentation in the CNTK gallery. Are any examples available? Any help to get me started? Further, it would be ideal if "Brainscript-based" rather than Python…
Hi,I know about you load the pre-trained model of pascal-VOC in your thesis.But you just provide the 'CHIP_PGN' model .Could you provide a tensorflow version of Pascal's pre-training model? I don't kn…
Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation.
Liang-Chieh Chen George Papandreou Florian Schroff Hartwig Adam
xjock updated
7 years ago