Error log:
Reduce version 3.23
Delphi version 7.0
test_bindingE (__main__.Test)
bindingEnergyDelphi test (Barnase:Barstar) ...
Re-building hydrogen atoms...
executing: /home/…
Can I combine 2 polygons with this library ?
E.g. I have these:
Vector2d[] vecs1 = new Vector2d[] {
new Vector2d(9.3763619,47.4330074)
,new Ve…
As a feature suggestion, maybe it could be possible to add type constraints to
the language?
An example:
Byte = Integer constrained by (Self >= 0) and (Self = 0) and (Self
As a feature suggestion, maybe it could be possible to add type constraints to
the language?
An example:
Byte = Integer constrained by (Self >= 0) and (Self = 0) and (Self
As a feature suggestion, maybe it could be possible to add type constraints to
the language?
An example:
Byte = Integer constrained by (Self >= 0) and (Self = 0) and (Self
Can you provide?
As a feature suggestion, maybe it could be possible to add type constraints to
the language?
An example:
Byte = Integer constrained by (Self >= 0) and (Self = 0) and (Self
Is it possible to use dynamic loading for the DLL (`LoadLibrary`, `GetProcAddress` and `FreeLibrary`) in order to use this wrapper in FMX cross-platforms projects ?
I need read a caption from TLabel, but is not supported ?
ghost updated
6 years ago
Any plan to support Firebase Cloud messaging?