Suggested by @wegpast
А где код бота?
Adding languages would be nice too, in two ways :
- If user hasn't defined preferred locale : Use server locale
- If the server didn't define locale : use the default language (English)
This ass…
Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat zda bot stále funguje. Snažil jsem se ho zprovoznit vše šlo hladce do spuštění, kdy vyžadoval nastavení kanálů přes příkaz "`/channel function:Grades`" po spuštění přík…
# World of Coding
- World of Coding is one of the largest programming/infosec help servers on the discord platform with over 10,000 messages daily and currently 31,000 members from all walks of life!…
Ignoring exception in slash command 'start_quiz':
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Corndog\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\hard-brain-bot-zTy8xzM2-py3.10\lib\site-pa…
For my reading was not that good, I had hard time figuring out where my discord bot token is.
I think it would be of help to those like me, if we could split the document in three steps
1. 4ways…
As per https://github.com/DisnakeDev/guide/pull/49#issue-1416012151:
> it [the shim] is no longer maintained.
And it doesn't look like it will be of much use to revive it at this point.
INFO:disnake.player:Preparing to terminate ffmpeg process 2816.
INFO:disnake.player:ffmpeg process 2816 has not terminated. Waiting to terminate...
INFO:disnake.player:ffmpeg process 2816 should hav…