Is it currently possible to implement functionality similar to [djangorestframework-queryfields](https://github.com/wimglenn/djangorestframework-queryfields) with Django Ninja? That is, giv…
I have updated Django and rest framework and also djoser to the latest release I get these errors on reset password any recommendations, help , or comment?
`Request Method: | GET
Some time ago you had helped me implement [djangorestframework-api-key](https://florimondmanca.github.io/djangorestframework-api-key/) authorization in DRF Spectacular ([Custom djangorestframework-api…
Getting the attribute error
File "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_mongoengine\serializers.py", line 639, in build_standard_field
It looks like the support for `RecursiveField` added in #109 is no longer working. The Swagger UI won't load and presents an error. I noticed there is no test for this field type in the `/tests/` fold…
pip install django
pip install pymysql
pip install djangorestframework
# To enable causes of error during execution
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
# Add our app emp_CRUD and Djangorestframework into our Django…
When some of the fields in a `ModelSerializer` (but probably any serializer) has the same name as the annotated properties of the class `Field` in `rest_framework-stubs.fields.pyi`, e.g. `source`, `re…
#### Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible
For example:
urlpatterns.append(path("garden///.pbf", mvt_view_factory(Garden)))
#### Problem description
I worked with [Mar…