There doesn't seem to be a way to change the position of the checkbox location. More specifically, removing the default actions from /includes/class-dotdigital-woocommerce.php:261-262 and being able t…
In a clean installation over **Ubuntu Server 20.04** with **PHP 7.4.3** and **mysql Ver 8.0.20-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64** the command **php bin/console oro:install --env=pr…
Testing this out on Magento 2.4.4 + PHP 8.1. The watcher seems to start fine with no errors, but doesn't appear to be clearing out the appropriate caches. Confirmed by writing a new controller action,…
After upgrading to the latest version (1.39), Magento complains about not being able to instantiate the interface `\Magento\Framework\Filesystem\DriverInterface`. This interface has been injected into…
I'm trying to deploy to magento cloud, but it's failing on this extension because the checksum does not match.
W: - Installing dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-enterprise (1.0.7):…
Installing dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-enterprise (1.0.4): Downloading (100%)
### Preconditions (*)
1. PHP 7.4
2. Magento 2.4.3-p1
3. composer v1
4. magento/composer-dependency-version-audit-plugin 0.1.1
4. Some dependency available in both private and public package…
We noticed when order placed, order confirmation email sent twice so duplicate issue.
### Preconditions (*)
1. Magento 2.4.3-1
2. klarna checkout - https://marketplace.magento.com/klarn…
current environment: Magento 2.4.3
Mysql version: 8.0.19-10
issue case: test send abandoned cart by run command
> n98-magerun2 sys:cron:run ddg_automation_abandonedcarts && n98-magerun…