На данный момент, при переходе по ссылке на топик с новыми комментариями, "открывается" самый "старый" непрочитанный комментарий.
Если в ветке уже много "разветвленных" комментариев, то чтобы о…
Need to investigate Media and related module configuration. Goal is to use Media through a WYSIWYG button rather than direct file management with IMCE.
OHI everybody
So I might be the only person who reports issues AND uses Windows as their primary development environment. That's probably why this is the first time someone has reported this issue. …
Hey there @michaelmcandrew,
First, thank you for your work on this. It appears to make it blissfully simple to get Drupal + CiviCRM set up on my laptop for local development.
I'm wondering, how…
es para recorrer el proyecto
When I was trying to install this extension I executed composer require without --dev and for some reason after running that command my local environment gives me an error (no mention in instructions …
Rector is available as PHAR with prefixed dependencies since 0.6.x. This solves dependency issues that both project faced earlier.
Need to build the behavioral tests so they can be run on both Drupal 7 and 8 code bases by default.
This is related to https://github.com/kalamuna/twig-drupal-filters/issues/6
I think this might be easier done in kss-node when the extend-drupal8 flag is set than in the twig-drupal-filters package…
Create Simple multisearch query