When sending a SIGTERM to earthly while running a `LOCALLY` target, earthly process will quit without sending the SIGTERM to the running local process
For example, with the following `Earthfile`
It would be nice to pass secrets to local commands.
Error: build target: build main: failed to solve: Earthfile line 85:4 apply RUN: secrets not yet supported with LOCALLY
**What went wrong?**
First, apologies for the vague title; the time it took to get a workaround (and a reproduction) took so long that I couldn't spend more time narrowing this down further, but ho…
The [first time build tutorial](https://space-ros.github.io/docs/rolling/Tutorials/First-Time-Building.html) is out of date and still refers to the initial Earthly prototype branch. This needs to be u…
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failed to start docker daemon: Error in…
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I'm the only developer on my team currently using Windows with Earthly and have been working out the problems with our current Earthfiles on Windows. In doing so, I've found a bug in Earthly's path re…
## Background
I understand that Earthfiles are supposed to be completely standalone and able to define the entire build, but there are some situations that may require access to other local reposit…
# Syntax
Add a `--retry times=,delay=` command to the Earthly `RUN` statement. The `times` parameter is the number of times to retry the statement on a non-zero exit code, and the `delay` period is…
There’s no aim to build a treesitter grammar? Treesitter is becoming the standtard for grammar on most of terminal based editors like neovim and helix.