I am trying to decrypt adobe digital edition. The book is successfully decrypted, however, a warning shows up
> Syntax Warning: Invalid Font Weight
So when I try to open the pdf file, the pdf…
Here is the message:
calibre, version 4.13.0 (win32, embedded-python: True)
Erro ao converter: Falha: Converter livro 1 de 1 (Scrum - Um Guia de Bolso: Um companheiro de viagem inteligente)
[v1.5.0](https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel-css/releases/tag/v1.5.0) adds support for level 4, let's add support for level 5 as well: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-5/
- [x] `color-mix()`…
I love this project.
If I could be read in ebook format (epub, mobi or maybe pdf) I would force everyone who work on software industry to read it.
Could be possible?
### Question / bug report
Attempted to remove the DRM from a Japanese eBook/digital comic I bought from Kobo. I tried with the Obok plugin and with the DeDRM plugin but neither method worked, and I g…
I filled in the following parameters in the Calibre eBook converter settings in Calibre-web:
`--chapter "//*[re:test(., '^\s*第[零一二三四五六七八九十百千0-9]+(章|回).*', 'i')]"`
txt to EPUB conversion error:
_From @arthurattwell on January 6, 2017 12:12_
_From @arthurattwell on October 7, 2016 11:36_
_From @arthurattwell on March 30, 2016 13:53_
We want an easier way to create proper book indexes…
The following book cannot be loaded:
There is no error message.
gabre updated
4 years ago
### Question / bug report
Not sure if there has been a change to the DRM in newer Kobo books, but a book I recently purchased on June 19th that released on June 19th is giving me issues when removi…
uo93 updated
2 months ago
This is something @BackOrder and I discussed in email a year to so ago and he wrote some proof of concept code but there were gems issues on Windows that prevented progress and we correctly went about…