The variable `vt100` has a standard name which implies that it is a heat flux with units "W m-2". The intention was to have a the eddy temperature flux. A new standard name has been proposed:
The above figure is an old version from Ian McGregor’s in-review paper, showing NEON data from SCBI. We could modify his code to analyze all forested NEON sites. We obviously wouldn’t present this…
I had high hopes for your quickstart.ipynb (rather buried in the docs, which steer me to 'anaconda download ussl/fp-quickstart' to even see what it is) doesn't do much. I so wish I could find ONE full…
Functions cannot download the eddy covariance data from WOOD. My hunch this is an issue with either these HDF5 files or the NEON API, but haven't investigated too far.
Function currently works aro…
Hi all, my flux tower data has 15 minutes resolution, so I will work to modify my REddyProc copy. Suggestions to start? I´m new at R and learning as fast as possible. Thanks. Leila
Friction velocity really is a common indicator, and it might be nice computing it in eddy covariance processing.
After eddy covariance processing, the value of u* is in some cases negative, in others positive, but with values well above the wind speed.
This cannot be.
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/fredrik_ucg/umep/issue/60) by Wen Hui CUI (Bitbucket: [wenhuiCC](https://bitbucket.org/wenhuiCC), GitHub: [wenhuiCC](https://github.com/wenhuiCC)).**
The ori…
The version under test tends to underestimate SonicLib wind speed.
Running the script like this:
`SHARED_APP=$HOME/apps SKU_TYPE=HBv2 ./install_wrf_openmpi.sh`
Seems to go wrong after the WRF tgz is extracted:
==> Error: netcdf-fortran ^openmpi matches…