21 November - 02:24:52.913122 ERROR Error connecting to database: db error: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "xxx", user "postgres", database "postgres", no encryption
Error: "The DATABASE_U…
jac0x updated
4 hours ago
The encryption for The Digital Credential Response should be specified in detail to ensure interoperability. Since the API is one-shot and doesn’t allow for negotiation, there should be a single encry…
Module: `frontend`
Description: Currently userInfo is being passed to many children components under the `` component. We can use Context for same to avoid prop drilling (if occurring anywhere now …
In particular, justify all formulas used. Also stress that class group based cryptography is not post-quantum secure!
*This issue was originally created by [**@zin1x**](https://github.com/zin1x) at .*
### Background information
- **Dendrite version or git SHA**: 0.5.1+a47b12dc
- **Monolith or Polylith?**: Mono…
87 B0 EB 86 D3 BF 76 5C 5C F4 6A 8C 33 1B F8 46 13 BD 7C CD 7E E4 1D 6F 66 F7 A9 EB 2A 72 CC 2D messanger
Currently volatile.img is stored unencrypted and includes swap, which means that anyone compromising dom0 or getting past full disk encryption can potentially read things that were in application memo…
Passwords are stored unencrypted. This is a security concern. Noted by schanna
### [Figma](https://www.figma.com/design/UFZuydNgCYKeILHmjju8Lu/%5BTEMPLATE%5D-Starter-file-(Copy)?node-id=27-205&t=wanoCBS9Vl7sUFfo-1)
### QA
- [ ] Confirm all platforms are recognized correctl…
LUKS disk encryption would be a nice-to-have option with the installer. However, I can understand this potentially not being an option as the installer has to play nicely with the existing APFS filesy…