Good morning,
I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue. Installing next-gravity-forms on a website running Faust.JS and Next.JS and having issues:
Error: require() of ES Module C:\Users\thera\0001-de…
When I upgraded superjson to version 2.0.0 and ran the `next build` command, I got the following error:
info - Collecting page data ...Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\Users…
The import in Shopware 6 destroys existing list prices, for example. This is a behaviour that should not occur according to Shopware convention. In the past, Shopware imports reliably neith…
### Description of the issue:
When using react-force-graph (which relies on three-render-objects) in a Next.js project, a SyntaxError occurs because three-render-objects is attempting to import TWE…
I think we need to change the filename extension to mjs or add `"type":"module"` to package.json
Named export 'DatePicker' not found. The requested module 'v-calendar' is a CommonJS module, wh…
To create the frontend, we want to make a react project as this is a very popular framework which is being used by a lot of companies.
Specifically, we use the flavour Next.js for automatic Typescrip…
### Reproduction link
[![Edit on StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/edit/antd-reproduce-5x-1iybka?file=demo.tsx)
### Steps to reprod…
Ich berechne im Meta-Agenten händisch die nächsten Positionen der Objekte (gold_label). Allerdings ist es so, dass wenn ein Objekt rein oder rausfliegt es zwei Mal an der gleichen y-Position ist (wenn…
Hola, tengo una consulta de la estructura que hay que usar en este ejercicio.
no entiendo a que se refiere con el iterador el enunciado, porque yo lo habia pensado para que cada nodo apunte dos nodos…
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package co…