and what command should be sent to open the cash drawer?
_Originally posted by @palanganero in https://github.com/anastaciocintra/escpos-coffee/issues/49#issuecomment-700218996_
Hello Mike,
I am trying to print arabic by following this example https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/blob/06-encoding/example/rtl-example.php
Its just cutting my paper, not printing anything.
Hello, I would like to ask if escpos-pos is also compatible even not on the thermal printer like inkjet, etc. I would like to test if my system is working with this extension while waiting for my orde…
Hi. I tried to print image but something is wrong, it prints too-many characters. Which image type I must pass to p.Image()?
Hi. My printer input must be CP862
But I can't resolve how to print with this format, I tried everything.
First I tried to change the encoding of my Hebrew text to CP862 with iconv and it gave my an…
Hi, so I have few issues.
As you can see here, my text is not fitting correctly on the label, that the left side is cut of a bit is not the problem but a fix for this would be great.
1) tried printing text nothing is happening but it is showing success.
2)tried printing QR code it is just printing the text of the QR code
attached the printer i am using and how qr code is …
PHP 8.0: GdImage class objects replace GD image resources.
This works for me.
if (!is_resource($im) && !is_object($im)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to load image.");
} ......
I use your project since a couple of years for a project of myself where we print some stuff via a Raspi Zero to an EPSON TM-P20.
Epson just released a new version of this printer, EPSON TM-P20…
Olá, toda vez que dou o comando _composer update_ retorna a mensagem:
**Package endroid/qrcode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use endroid/qr-code instead.**
Estou usando PHP 7.3