**Operating environment/Installation (Hass.io/Docker/pip/etc.):**
- Vmware ESXi 6.5
- Hassio HassOS 2.12
- Hass.io supervisor ver. 189
**ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff):**
Love this project. I just tried it today and so far haven't been able to get it working. I'm using a non-pro D1 mini. I wouldn't expect that to be the problem.
I modified the values at the t…
**Operating environment/Installation (Hass.io/Docker/pip/etc.):**
Home Assistant
**ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff):**
Sonoff (platform: ESP8266, board: esp01_1m)
esphomeyaml 1.13.6
Simple question!
Can you put some kind off authentication on esphomeyaml Dashboard ?
**Operating environment/Installation (Hass.io/Docker/pip/etc.):**
**ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff):**
ESP8266, d1_mini
**Affected component:**
basic setup with no components.…
**Operating environment/Installation (Hass.io/Docker/pip/etc.):**
Windows 10, Python 2.7.16, pip 19.2.3
**ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff):**
Wemos D1 Mini with DHT22 shield
**Affected comp…
**Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/pip/etc.):**
Hass.io on Raspberry Pi Zero W
**Affected component:**
When using the command line its possible to use --upload-port x.x.x.x to overcome DNS issues when uploading.
This feature could be nice to have in the dashboard.
[32mINFO Running command 'esphomeyaml --dashboard config/err.yaml run --upload-port COM3'[0m
[31mERROR Uncaught exception GET /run (::1)
HTTPServerRequest(protocol='http', host='localhost:6052', …