### Steps to reproduce
1. set coordinate system to EPSG:5514 (S-JTSK / Krovak EastNorth, the national system of CZ)
2. add raster template to Mapper
3. File->Import->Anything (tested SHP and GPKG)
Naar aanleiding van comment in issue #93 te rade gaan (intern Kadaster en) NSGI over coordinaten(systemen)
> Misschien goed om het besluit nog even te toetsen bij de NSGI, de autoriteit voor coordi…
When I tried to install Seaborn into my GRASS app (with a minimal anaconda distribution, including python 3.7.8 and wxPython 4), it turns out that the one available (0.10) is incompatible with other d…
starting point for sensible URI might be the ones in use inside `^^gsp:wktLiteral` statements
so URI of the form `http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84` seem logical
however what they hav…
Dear colleagues,
The attribute **function** in the feature type **ProductionFacility** of the INSPIRE theme **III/8 Production and Industrial Facilities** should contain URL to relevant **NACE code…
Ved visning av polygone(er) for lokasjon - også vise polygoner for enkeltminner for samme lokasjon.
Ved klikk på polygon - gå til detaljvisning for enkeltminne med navn, beskrivelser og kategori (enk…
Windows 10, Postgres 14.4, Postgis 3.4, Dbeaver 21.2.2
Stack overflow in line: 1
when clicking on the Spacial tag in a select with a geometry geom column (after displaying the results correctly…
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
### Actual behavior
$ xmllint --noout 3217__OT_ADJA_A_Walcz.gml && echo 'good' || echo 'bad'
$ ogrinfo -al -so GMLAS:3217__OT_ADJA_A_Walcz.gml
I config eksemplet (config.example.js) er forskellige variable defineret, bl.a. projektion (UTM32, etrs89), zoom level (7) og center koordinat for kortet (590000, 6205000)
Når man kører dem…
I want to import something that has roads that are grid-aligned, but the grid is not north/south. If the whole thing were rotated, it would line up nicely with Minecraft blocks.