space_type = 'l2_sparse'
space_param = []
method_name = 'lsh_gaussian'
index_name = method_name + '_sparse.index'
if os.path.isfile(index_name):
Is there a way to keep the track of class labels to perform classification/regression using falconn for LSH?
After loading an index file which was created using hsnw loading about 5M vectors of 200 dimensions and issuing a knnQuery the code seg faults:
``` bash
$gdb /usr/bin/python2.7 ./core
Reading symb…
get an ImportError: /home/kli017/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/_falconn.so: undefined symbol: _ZNSt28__atomic_futex_unsigned_base19_M_futex_wait_untilEPjjbNSt6chrono8durationIlSt5ratioILl1ELl…
What would be the license for you code?
I stumbled on your excellent article at https://medium.com/@jaiyamsharma/efficient-nearest-neighbors-inspired-by-the-fruit-fly-brain-6ef8fed416ee
It'll be very interesting to see the comparisons between different suitable methods for higher dimensional data (e.g., several thousands or even larger).
Thank you.
I'm excited to try out this library in Python. Would it be feasible to provide a pip install-able package? Annoy is exceptionally easy to use in this regard.
I wrote a new version of FFHT [1], which is quite a bit faster and does not require the array to be aligned. Here are the results for floats with AVX (doubles are not yet supported).
| log_2 n | ne…
I tried the run your glove example after pip installing falconn. However, some of the properties are missing from python package which results in error:
1. module 'falconn' has no attribut…
I had been making some experiments with your library for the last couple of months. I was able to include your library in my project as an external element in my Cmakelist. I'm relative new to a…