Issue exists for the QB position only. Other positions are collected.
Scraping QB projections from
While investigating the source of issue [15](https://github.com/FantasyFootballAnalytics/ffanalytics/issues/15), I did notice a few other issues. I wasn't able to determine if the projections were bei…
- [x] investigate: npm module support
- [x] investigate: public rest api
- [x] impl: `util/fantasypros.ts`
**App Name:** Fantasy Football Cheat Sheets
**Bundle ID:** com.fantasypros.Cheat-Sheets
**iTunes ID:** 1472349159
**iTunes URL:** https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fantasy-football-cheat-sheets/id14723…
had non-zero exit status in Rstudio when installing the tar package
### Issue URL (Ads)
just add `/start` or something and make maybe output like
`/start` `or` [PPR/HALF/STANDARD*]
**START**: (pros for / total pros) %pro…
I get this error when trying to run the "FantasyPros Projections.R"
Error in `$
Hi - Thanks for putting all of this together. So, I've gotten to the point where it's having trouble with object.analyst and so, I'm walking through the Prepare Data.R Data scripts and running the fi…
I'm new at commenting on GitHub, so forgive me if I'm not doing this right.
When I get to line 125:
#Order variables in data set
projections_fp projections_fp
> [1] name player…