I faced some trouble while trying to setup the environment to run the code. Specially, with pytorch3d. So I am sharing the steps using which I was able to finally set up the code. Note that, till now …
Just: `{% yield single_var from looped_var %}{{ single_var }}{% endyield %}`
The implementation could be similar to https://github.com/orgs/copier-org/discussions/908#discussioncomment-6505536:
the log file appears to include spaces for all of the structures even if there is no error message
When downloading a file from an online source lets say [this image](https://venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/windows11-e1625655697329.png?fit=2879%2C1439&strip=all) or a zip folder and direc…
## Context
In #326 we identified the need for some refactorings because we are having duplicate components with different stylings. Besides that, the code style diverged as the development of the N…
Dear authors,
so far I have followed the steps in the `README` as they after downloading the files.
The problem is I am unable to execute the code after following this steps.
after extracting a sc…
Hi @yamadashy , really nice work. I love this tool.
By the way, why don't you add option only exclude in "Repository Files"?
Currently, `--ignore` option both exclude in "Repository Structure" and…
Once https://github.com/nhovratov/content-blocks/pull/248 is merged, we need to adjust the Readme with the new config.yaml file instead of EditorInterface.yaml
**Describe the bug**
Local hosted google font shall meet the expectations mentioned here https://github.com/wp-media/wp-rocket/issues/7062#issue-2616800240
1- no /fonts after /google-fonts
Components folder especially can be better organized, perhaps primarily into feature folders?
One idea for `components/` subdirectories:
_Commonly used components_
- `common /`