Hello! I have Redmine versions 4.0.6.stable and Ruby 2.7.0-p0 versions and Rails 5.2.3. I installed your plugin, but I don't have the colors displayed on the board. And shorcuts dont work. The theme i…
if there are many columns, the table headers run out of the table. when scroll to right, the table cells move left and won't match up with their headers.
I could not find any information in the docs how we can fix the first column (on the left). Next to fixing the header of the table (on top).
This would be practical for huge tables, like user lists…
I have a great use case for an offline application to use django-sql-explorer and need the scripts and links all to be stored with the package for this purpose.
These were the references I found wi…
Is it possible to use this plugin with a table?
I try to have a scroll-able tbody with a fix height, while the behaves as a sticky header.
how can i use it?
Than you!
floatThead is almost working perfectly for me on a site I am building except for one issue that I hope you can assist with. Very simply, the top position where the table needs to stick changes somet…
Just an idea that would have helped me if it was possible out of the box;
It would be really useful for external css styling if when the table header becomes sticky an additional class is added to …
This plugin [Tablesort](https://github.com/tristen/tablesort) allows dynamic sorting of columns on a traditional html table.
I imagine this may be highly problematic to integrate with floatThread a…
For example, see https://github.com/mkoryak/floatThead which has an about and a link to the documentation website.
Also if you added a link to this repo at the footer of your website, that would ma…