First: Great and helpful tool. Using this for one year and it was working most of the time.
FTPd Server
Customer uploads pictures
watcher triggers a console application which m…
I can upload files from the CyberDuck client using `` when I'm in running the server locally. I have open the router port and I've let the firewall know the passive ports range which is the s…
$ nmap -sC -sV -Pn
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-03-08 22:43 JST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.20s …
First of all, I want to thank you for this image.
I set it and and it seems to be working fine. But I need to give a user access files on the server not in the container
for example the followin…
I tried to use both the readonly and normal versions. None of them work properly for the firmware version Additionally, using: https://github.com/zzerrg/gmfwtools
I modified th…
ciast updated
6 years ago
As we are all excitedly waiting for the full output to complete I am going to theorize about the analysis of the results. In order to do this I will use some intermediate output as shown below.
ghost updated
9 years ago
When i connect to the FTP server, using the ip, it list the files with no problems, but when i use the domain name it says:
"Currently no data connection; expecting client to connect to pasv server s…
Using bin/ftpdrb on macOS with ruby 1.4, Activity Monitor shows ruby using 6 threads and 100% of a CPU. Is the server doing a lot of polling? In my configuration, there are 3 active server connections…
Yet another strange behavioural observation that may not be a bug of Primitive FTPd, but it's best you are informed.
When I sometimes transfer files over FileZilla or Nemo file manager, sometimes t…