Hey there! I came across your repository due to my interest in age estimation using PyTorch.
If you look at the Kaggle Dataset as given in the link, it gives you Training Datasets (12611 images) …
i get this error:
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set
when trying to create training data from IMDB-WIKI Dataset.
Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Column `na.exclude` doesn't exist.
it is not possible to download the files on the site
the site does not accept registration from other countries. It is not possible to receive the SMS code in international…
I am getting null as a result of runModelOnImage method. Do you have a solution? Can you help me?
// ignore_for_file: depend_on_referenced_packages
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' hide log;
* [x] Add use of offensive efficiency (def?) as a prior #130
* [x] Tidy up prior usage in edige cases (`error/priorSum` limit .. pick a max eg 50%) (https://github.com/Alex-At-Home/cbb-on-off-anal…
I am creating an android app using TensorFlow and MediaPipe for Object Detection. But in some devices, I am getting ABIs crashes for some devices in the firebase and this problem I am facing after the…
I don't see the tflite model file, or any assets. Is the project complete?
Hi, Thank you very much for sharing this code. I have a simple question. I am training VGG16 for age estimation by using pre-trained model (imagenet). I would be so thankful if you could please kindly…
You write that VGGFace could have better results, but I get validation MAE of ~11.5 using it.
Using the VGG16 pretrained on ImageNet, I get the similar results.
Could it be that no other m…