People are using the library for different use cases. Some are using it for better readability of websites, others for migrating content. Knowing the use cases helps to prioritize features and plugins…
Youtube previews are not loaded, even though link previews are enabled (either explicitely or always) in settings. The problem occurs on both the desktop client as well as the android app. Problem occ…
When will another version be released? Since the last version important features such as context cancellation have been added, which I believe to be highly beneficial to the users of this library.
I found a bug setting a `Collector.RequestHandler` func after a collector is initialized.
Setting Collector.RequestHandler, requires to execute `c.backend.Client.CheckRedirect=c.checkRedirectFunc()…
- Just like pyspider, how about add a web UI for Colly which can help user to control their spider.
Hi why it caches error responses? Did someone solve this problem?
@asciimoo for your consideration. I've been somewhat frustrated with leveraging redis as a queue. Even though it has queue like capabilities I've found it lacking. Here is a rabbitmq based storage I w…
Hi guys. I want to thank you for the great tool. And there are some suggestions.
As t…
# Question
I was wondering if it'd be possible to add support for wrapping the On* callbacks with a context or possibly adding a context to the callback function signature. This can most likely be ac…