前言最近准备填一些以前开的坑,当然不能只填坑而没有收获,于是准备做一哈数据库缓存,左挑右选,最终选择了 ObjectBox,作者同样也是 greenDao 和 EventBus 的开发者,质量值得信赖。本文会介绍关于 ObjectBox 的基本使用和我在使用…
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'android-aspectjx'
I am using greendao for m db
I am stuck in this fucking relationship problem.I tried greendao I tried ObjectBox none of the fucking library worked.It takes two weeks but still problem is not solved.…
### Can open a writeable database
### Couldn't open a writeable database, but a readonly instead
Couldn't open my_db.db for writing (will try read-only):
I want to get the number of rows affected by the sql statement execution. But i can't get the result in
greenDao where i do 'update' and 'delete'.
I search the source code , found that:
There are …
I have an `Entity` class A, which has a `@ToOne` relation on other `Entity` class B. Everything is working fine until I delete an entry of B which has a relation with an entry in A . Once the entry is…
Viv3k updated
6 years ago
# Issue details
After adding an annotation, the following error started popping up. I'm not sure how to reproduce the cause, but the main issue seems to be that it prevents the app from updating th…
I use this library to help migrating greendao DB tables in Application onCreate() method.
java.lang.RuntimeException:Unable to create application my.app.pakcage: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteExce…
# Feature
For now (GreenDao version 3.2.2), @ToMany relationships support only List type.
But if I want a relantionship to be unique, I would use a Set or a SortedSet.
# Example
I have two ent…
This error just suddenly occur when I am about to update my database using green dao.
It seems it can find Schema class from greendao lib. I am using Android Studio 2.3.