挑选主题挑选的方式1.hexo官方主题池2.GitHub上搜索 hexo 更换主题示例1.开打hexo官方主题池选择主题2.选择好主题后进入主题的GitHub地址3.把主题克隆到你的主题目录themes下 1$ git clone https://github.com/Fechin/h…
## Issue Checklist
- [x] I am using [the latest](https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-theme-next/releases/latest) version of NexT.
- [x] I have read the relevant documents of [Hexo](https://hexo.io/…
noraj updated
2 years ago
**「描述遇到的问题」或「发现的 bug」(Describe the problem or bug you encounter)**
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## Check List
Please check followings before submitting a new issue.
- [x] I have already read [Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/) & [Troubleshooting page](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting)
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,…
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000 . Press Ctrl+C to stop.
Unhandled rejection TypeError: /Users/larry/blog/themes/Wikitten/layout/index.e…
# 测试
A responsive, clean and simple Hexo theme for a personal website. 🌵 Demo Summary General Features Prerequisites Install Configuration License General Version : 3.0 Compatibility : Hexo 3 or …
pnpm i @next-theme/plugins
WARN Issues with peer dependencies found
└─┬ @next-theme/plugins 8.19.1
├─┬ disqusjs 3.0.2
│ ├── ✕ missing peer react@"^16.11.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0"
$ hexo g
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
Prism's Diff Highlight plugin requires the Diff language definition (prism-diff.js).Make sure the language definition is loaded or use Prism'…
First, I got this error.
Error107:07:35.202 ERROR Script load failed: themes\hexo-theme-skapp\scripts\renderer.js
Error: Cannot find module 'lunr'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.…