I follow the instruction by README,yet get a very low AP ,i tried many times in different GPU,still got 69AP in MPII val set and 11.5AP in COCO val set. detail in the following:
你好。 我想利用你们的implementation来对视频中的人物进行姿势的inference
hi, @ycszen ,
i test the native-hrnet and lite-hrnet mnn model on my pc,
although theirs flops is 309M vs 203M,but their inference time is almost the same.
i thank is the reason lite-hrnet has more…
ccsvd updated
3 years ago
Thank you for the awesome dataset!
The description about the train/test set splits is pretty unclear in the paper and I couldn't find more information in this repository too.
> We split the datas…
import paddlehub as hub
human_seg = hub.Module(name="FCN_HRNet_W18_Face_Seg")
Thank you for putting together such a brilliant repository.
I want to further train the backbone as well, which I believe is from here: https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation
Good work.
Could you provide the model size for these models, like Res2Net-50 and so on?
HRNet-W18 gets better performance than provided in this table.
You can check this repo.
Thank you very much for the implementation and the trained models.
I compared pose estimation run time of both pose_hrnet_w32_256x192.pth and pose_resnet_50_256x192.pth on the same large …
ghost updated
4 years ago
here are the settings in https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Facial-Landmark-Detection/blo…
Hi, i'm interesting in RLE. it is a nice work.
i see you use soft_argmax on HRNet, but i didn't see it in this repo. can you introduce the implement detail about this? eg. are you using the softmax o…