i had download and compile pytorch according to README,but still have problem:
/home/lqql/Digital_HumanPose/z_test/caffe2_cpp_tutorial/src/caffe2/operator/squared_l2_op.cu(28): error: identifier "T…
Thanks for your effort,
I tested demo_human_pose.ipynb with your mask_rcnn_coco_humanpose.h5 file, it gives me the following error.
ValueError: Dimension 1 in both shapes must be equal, …
Hello, i want to train a model follow your training steps, when execute "python setLayers.py --exp 1", Generate errors likes this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setLayers.py", line…
E:\Users\Raytine\Anaconda3\python.exe F:/humanpose/instagan-master/datasets/generate_mhp_dataset.py
trainA: 0%| | 0/4000 [00:00
when i train the net ,there are some error,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "example/mpii.py", line 14, in
from pose import Bar
File "/mnt/md0/xur/HumanPose/pytorch-pose/pose/__in…
I train my own datasets, the keypoints number is 19, the start keypoints loss is 8.05, the keypoints loss converges to 3.0 after 100 epochs training with "heads", when I train "4+" or "all", the keyp…
umezo updated
6 years ago
hello, i want to use this probject to train my own dataset,what tools can i use to
mark my dataset? via? or others? the second problem is what i marked my dataset, whether i should convert it to som…
HI,I want to get a quic kstart this demo but I got such error when run:
python demo.py --indir examples/demo --outdir examples/res_imgs