## Type imports are not being removed during compilation
Type imports are not being removed during compilation when they are in the first inferno import statement (`import {...} from 'inferno'`) of…
I am defining a component whose shape must be something predefined. How can I use typescript to enforce this?
function Component({ children: any }) {
return (
The types for lowercase events (i.e. those that bypass Inferno's event system, as per https://github.com/infernojs/inferno#event-system) were removed in 696006c, after first being added following issu…
Inferno, because of its good performance is a very good choice for applications written for [KaiOS](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/KaiOS). KaiOS 2.x is based on Firefox 48 and KaiOS 3.x, I think is…
InfernoJS `linkEvent` puts event parameter as second argument, while native callbacks get event as first argument. This is every day burden when working with linkEvent and same callbacks are used in d…
Log: https://app.travis-ci.com/github/infernojs/inferno/jobs/585713137
Code: https://github.com/infernojs/inferno/blob/master/fixtures/browser/karma.sauce.conf.js#L36-L41
The issue comes from the fact that if class Components implement at least one of the getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or the getDerivedStateFromProps life cycle hook then the componentWillMount,…
When trying to do webpack or rollup build with latest TypeScript v4.9.3, it results in unexpected token errors from tsx-files.
To reproduce try running f.e. the webpack example from examples folde…
I also couldn't find any unit tests for state.
a link
State ends up as `null`
In this link https://infernojs.github.io/inferno/
All the examples throwing 404 error, please check and fix them.