My bot did not resume polling after encountering a 502 from Telegram by longpolling.
Exception in thread "async-dispatch-18" clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: clj-http: status 502 {:cached nil, :req…
I have a BOT with a lot of menus to interact with, and users are noticing slowdowns after they click a few buttons to navigate the menu.
It seems to me they are hitting some kind of Tele…
## The issues (Open & Closed) I contributed to in the `team1-bot` repo are:
#80 Add average to db - Still open. We wish to retrieve the course average grade and store it as a part of the info give…
It would be nice to create a telegram bot that would allow you to quickly view free resources belonging to a certain category/subcategory.
I created a small bot in python to use it as an example (it'…
Hi, First THANK YOU so much for your excellent Telegram.
When I'm browsing through the source code, I notice that some files are missing, like:
org.telegram.api.auth.TLAuthorization etc.
What has b…
...about 30 seconds I'd say. No exception, and it seems to do its job eventually. What's going on there? It's a long-poll bot, I'm using version 3.6.
PS: [AI bot coming up](http://t.me/Hello_Comput…
Hope you are doing well.
## Summary
Please find attached the link to CLI script for generating DOT files for model instances without triggering any GUI at all: https://gist.github.com/…
Actually I have many groups and channels thus many users.
Exception in thread "Thread-16" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(URLClassPath.java:211)
at java.net.URL…
I'm using your onixred 66.14 TelegramApi and working with TelegramBot with an UpdatesHandler.
I'm implementing a program based on Deepthrought and I'm implementing also the method onTLUpdateC…
**Describe the bug**
When my telegram bot activates the myapps feature. I used TelegramLongPollingBot to listen to my messages and encountered the following error: