[08-Nov-2024 11:59:01 UTC] JavaScript Warn: The "importFile" step is deprecated. Use "importWxr" instead.
[08-Nov-2024 11:59:01 UTC] JavaScript Warn: The "importFile" step is deprecated. Use "impo…
The [ECMAScript import attributes proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-attributes) _will_ allow JS to import MIME types other than JS files. There are also several other proposals (for ex…
- [ ] Extremely low res charts are an eye sore
- [x] Have tried and failed to create axes labels, here's an example file to attempt to add x and y axis labels to: https://app.quadratichq.com/file/0a89…
**What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?**
For example: v3.4.15
**What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using?**
For example: postcss-cli 8.4.41, Vite…
This issue presents my opinion on the way we bundle Javascript files in LORIS, why I think our approach is flawed, and how I think it should be improved. This issue proposes a lot of different changes…
### Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear Adapter developer,
ioBroker should be fully usable and operable on mobile devices
**So please check your Materialize or React based Adapter…
### Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear Adapter developer,
ioBroker should be fully usable and operable on mobile devices
**So please check your Materialize or React based Adapter…
Trying to see current requests using the collector server 2.3.0 lead to an empty table and JavaScript error
Uncaught TypeError: node is undefined
getInnerText http://melody:8080/javamelo…
### How can we reproduce the crash?
1) run `bun start` in background with :
`nohup bun start > output_1732202307.log 2>&1 &`
2) run `killall bun` in bash
3) run `bun run dev`
note : `bun run build…