Create Hero section for About us site.
As a user I want to see a Hero section so I know that I am still at Kino Göteborg and at the About us page.
Pokazuje sie preparing download i dalej nic nie idzie.Tworzy tylko folder.
Sprawdzalem na kino pecetowiec,kinomaniak iitv
win7 x64 xbmc 12 frodo
Original issue reported on code.google.com b…
Hi @beomsu7 i am not getting it even though i am giving it depth and odom topic what else i need to do to make it run in real time.
In px4_kino_replan.launch how you are calling px4.launch.
Currently Livebook formats the code without respecting any plugins or formatter options. We could add `Kino.formatter_options(...)` with options matching `.formatter.exs`. The logic would be similar t…
Sometimes Node fails to prepare a Wasm memory with the following error.
This occurs when the number of invokers reached around 45-60, but not always.
failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: Ra…
To #13 About us page, implement Header, Hero section, How It Started, Sposor section and Footer for a fully working About us page.
As I user I want to get access to read about Kino Göteborg so I know…
Same as https://github.com/kino-ma/dotfiles/issues/9, but for Darwin
I got wildcard mask in access list while use ASA syntax.
It should not be wildcard for ASA!
Please, correct it!
I discover one more problem. It do not undestand the follow:
name 172.1…
- [ ] Kinos (https://twitter.com/schumi090/status/1368905522137694208)
- [ ] Sport (https://twitter.com/SaM36602817/status/1368910779102224388)
- [ ] Restaurants
- [ ] Theater
- [ ] Sauna
- [ ] S…
Watching a video or using Kino (video editor) forces a logout.
Also logging into Cinnamon takes me to Gnome Classic for some reason. I don't think this is related but both things happened at the same …
lucus updated
12 years ago