> Task :app:linkDebugFrameworkIos
w: skipping /Users/username/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/io.ktor/ktor-client-serialization-iosx64/1.2.0-rc/20fa9983553c1e1a9c324bd4e0cd2cfbbbad3de0/ktor-client…
huy-t updated
4 years ago
Here https://github.com/mobanisto/pinpit-gradle-plugin#usage it has instructions to add it to a jvm project. How would I add it to a multiplatform project? I've tried putting everything in
Hello, in reference to how I get the dependencies of my MPP dependencies explained in #2, when running dce-kotlin-js plugin with the webpack.config.prod.js I'm getting the following error:
galex updated
5 years ago
In the old blog https://hadihariri.com/2017/11/10/multiplatform-projects-with-kotlin/, it talked about how to use expect in the common module, and implement it with actual in separated android/js modu…
Hey Christoph, first of all. Compliments! Your tiny little helper is amazing. Thanks to it I managed to implement some kind of JUnit-Strikt crossover where all descriptors / test names are optional:
Hi devs, we saw many of these warnings for this library when building to iOS simulators. We saw similar warnings on other libraries too (e.g. AAkira/Napier when we are on older version 2.4.0) but mos…
There is no example how to use this library by importing plugin.
Example from main readme and from kpy-sample (which uses local library) not working
We in Kotlin Jupyter kernel use Maven resolver for libraries resolution. Maven POM for `kotlinx.datetime` lacks any information of `kotlinx-datetime-jvm` dependency: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org…
Hi, First of all thank you for this example that you provided in this repo. Really help me to get started with Kotlin/ Native and MPP.
I just want to ask you, what is the best workflow for now, for d…
Some people mention confusion about our chats related to each other. Thought we have them all mentioned in rules, not everyone goes checking them.
Multiple chat and channel families go the way of …