After adding this line to my gradle
apply from: project(':flutter_config').projectDir.getPath() + "/dotenv.gradle"
I started to face an issue regard the minifyEnabled when run `flutter build ap…
생각해보니깐 카풀에서 드라이버 말고 같이 갈 사람들끼리 모아주는 방이나
KTX 동반석 구하는거나 동일한 로직으로 작성할 수 있어 보인다.
단지 카풀에서는 드라이버가 모아져있는 애들 방에 들어가서 픽하면 되는거고
KTX는 그럴 필요가 없다는 정도랄까? 아니면 결제자가 들어가는 느낌이랄까? 무튼
생각 잘하면 두개의 풀을 모두 충족시킬 수 있다고 생각한다…
Cannot access class 'org. jetbrains. compose. resources. DrawableResource'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies
I am getting this error while Accessing PlayerConfig(…
One of our dependencies uses a Firebase BOM which results in the following problems during creation of the SBOM.
api platform(‘com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:25.4.1’)
api ‘com.…
I think I've installed this plug-in correctly. I'm able to export as KTX2. But I can't import KTX or KTX2 files, unless it's one that I've exported myself. When running install.sh, I get these results…
### Describe the new feature or enhancement
As discussed in #867, there may be superior image formats to PNG for exporting. A couple promising options:
* Yaml
Yaml, in partic…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Rate-Limited
These updates a…
Reference version error while using this with other MAUI packages
Plugin.Maui.OCR 1.0.12 -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.Ktx -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment (>= && < 1.7.1)
This seems …