I am using Laravel 4.2.17. Then installing Searchable using composer, I did something like this but getting the error Trait 'Nicolaslopezj\Searchable\SearchableTrait' not found.
``` php
Untuk models:
### Nama pada db harus sama dengan models
ex: ada s yang mebedakan
nama table Mahasiswa tetapi di models harus Mahasiswas.
contoh lagi Student di table di models harus Student…
### What happened?
I've 3 entries in my navigation_items database, a hasMany relationship to Navigation Model like this :
Navigation Model Table :
![Capture d’écran 2024-09-28 à 17 0…
When i click the search button on the index page without entering anything in the search box, it comes up with 'TypeError'
App\Models\Expense::scopeSearch(): Argument #2 ($search) must be of type s…
This issue has been around, can you guys provide a documentation how to properly make sure things work in hasMany and hasOne
for now using this to make sure hasMany and hasOne work
I am running a Laravel app in Docker. When starting the extension I get a number of errors.
app_db is the Docker service name.
The errors are all of the same type, namely:
## Expected behavior
I want to see all of my collections
## Actual behavior
No collections are detected. `.forestadmin-schema.json` contains `"collections": []`, even so my database and lara…
A sample request for registration:
password: "nomen"
The output:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connectio…
# Use Case
I have a model, `Calendar`, which has events from the database (An Eloquent model `occasion`)
But now, I am adding support for external events, such as an ICalendar Feed (a URL for .ics…
**What problem does this feature proposal attempt to solve?**
Community feedback has shown that the default resolver from `webonyx/graphql-php` may not be optimally suited for a Laravel application…