We'd like to review all the relevant laws and regulations - together with those that are under development. This should be catalogued in such a way that:
1. This becomes a useful resource for anyon…
Congratulations on the new program release!
But when will it be possible to install Office in the specified folder?
We need to start dividing up the work, authoring the various Threats / Controls. We'll use this issue to manage that work and their assignments.
Each threat / control is 'ticked' when assigned to …
### Description of the bug:
python 3.10
ai_edge_torch.__version__: 0.3.0.dev20241024
torch_xla.__version__: 2.4.0
tensorflow.__version__: 2.17.0
When converting my model with `ai…
Contributions :
@BenjaminGalliot Tu m'as expliqué le souci d'exhaustivité. Mais au bilan, je trouve que dan…
Update: www.mostpros.com/nl/career
Figma design update: https://www.figma.com/design/vF2Op4iOCX4Rzoonq9a5Tb/Mostpros?node-id=4444%3A17373&t=FzKgFiyjcOc6E9Zy-1
Job descriptions: https://docs.google.c…
E ai, Guilherme!
Vou deixar essa dica, subir os projetos no github-pages. Fica bem legal de acompanhar, ai quando a pessoa abrir o readme já tem o link pra conferir como está ficando.
## Date
09 Oct 2024
## Zoom details
The AI readiness group is currently members-only, with meeting details shared via a private email list. To join the group, please contact membersuccess@finos.o…