local storage api javascript
need t…
Ich öffne 2 mal einen Tab: einen als Dj, einen als User
Ich öffne beim User ein Event.
Ich ändere beim Dj das Bild beim Event.
Ich refresh die Seite beim User.
=> kein Bild wird angezeigt
Cool project, I'm currently using this for a prototype!
Localstorage can be added by :
@api localstorgeN…
This prevents users that click the random button multiple times from eating up API queries, by re-using what was already fetched
Here’s an issue description for implementing an `AuthContext` in the frontend for managing login:
#### Description
To streamline user authentication and maintain a consistent login state across the …
# Chrome Client Compromise & Vote Manipulation
## Overview
When the election system does not control the client frontend, it is unknown if the client is compromised and therefore if data received …
When fetching the authentication token from localStorage in the UserProfile component, consider handling cases where the token might be null or undefined. This could lead to errors in the API request.…
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a s…
## User Story:
AS A user, I WANT TO log in securely using my email and password,
SO THAT I can access my account and report issues.
## Acceptance Criteria:
1. Users should log in using thei…