version: glogg-1.0.2-1.fc21 (http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=604412)
While loading log file (not so long 262499051bytes) glogg got stuck displaying "Indexing lines...(99%)".
Testing the plugin with Moodle 4.3 and receive the following debug output when trying to download Excel file of report:
Invalid event functions defined in \report_componentgrades\event\report_viewe…
Hi, thanks for the implementation.
Could you please add LogData(Guid data) overload to prevent unnecessary boxing/unboxing? (and probably overloads for int, long, string, and other popular types)
**Platform you are using**
> nextcloud
> NodeMCU DHT11
**Your Goals**
> LogData from NodeMCu to nextcloud serve
**Your Question**
> In arduino serial monitor i keep g…
I found something wrong operation when changing the kinesis shard size.
detected sending packet until reaching max retry times.
I guess producer knows the shard infomation has been changed but res…
Follow-up from https://github.com/pq/logs/pull/16#issuecomment-425499797, minimally we should add:
* a `toEncodable` callback (#10)
* `logError` and
* support for `data` objects
@devoncarew: w…
I have the following in a lot of files:
new LogData(
Since redis is already supported as a sink, I feel that supporting [streams](https://redis.io/topics/streams-intro) could be a nice low hanging fruit feature to add.
### Proposal
The websocket input which is working fine in Linux is not working in Windows. Getting
[2018-07-27T12:19:49,037][WARN ][logstash.inputs.websocket] websocket input client threw exception, restarting …
Unhandled electron-log error TypeError: data.map is not a function
at toString (D:\dev\webWS\game-rcsc-electron\node_modules\electron-log\src\node\transforms\object.js:63:3…