when i select to show my shows it hides new shows and returning shows.
While viewing a room I noticed one of the members only displays the first emoji in their name when they send a message to the room.
### OpenTofu Version
### Use Cases
Some organizations have a distrust of upstream tampering of versions. One way to give peace of mind is by pinning versions to upstream…
Hello, thank you for this integration!
May I kindly ask you to provide me with more details about the configuration?
Service url? - is it url of the Inels CPU or IMM?
Is it compatible with In…
CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6
Board - Adafruit Feather ESP32s2
Error message:
You are in safe mode because:
CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!
NLR jump failed. Likely memory corrup…
I created a new project "Console App (.NET Framework)" with VS 2019 (16.4.5) and added "sqlite-net-pcl 1.7.335".
This code causes the error:
static void Main(string[] args)
Hi @DEADF00D thank you for porting this code to php. 😎
You can fix some issues here, with this update?
# 収録環境チェックリスト
* マイク位置、向きの確認
* PC/Zoom/録音ソフトの入出力先の確認
* 録音設定(48KHz/24bit/モノラル)の確認
* 録音レベル(-12db行かないくらい)の調整
* Wi-Fiオフ、有線接続確認
* Zoomの音声設定全オフ
* Zoomの高音質設定後、Macの場合はマイク選び直し
* PC/スマホ等の通知音オフ
* モニターの音漏…
Type: Bug
In explorer, commands on the right disappear if the item lenght exceed the panel width
TM 1.8.1 в клетке XigmaNAS (NAS4Free)
Пару дней как перестали приходить свежие серии.
На вкладке "Торренты" В столбце "Последнее обновление" пусто, если выполнить "сброс последнего обновления"
В …