gcc -g -rdynamic -o marketprice.exe mp_message.o mp_config.o mp_main.o mp_kline.o mp_server.o -L ../utils -lutils -L ../network -lnetwork -Wl,-Bstatic -lev -ljansson -lmpdec -lrdkafka -lz -lssl -…
### Description
We've recently ported one of our packages to the new testing infrastructure, and it has been overall smooth - we can see one significant performance regression on the actual runtime o…
# `BondAggregator.findMarketFor` Function Will Break In Certain Conditions
## Summary
`BondAggregator.findMarketFor` function will break when the `BondBaseSDA.payoutFor` function…
Appli not shuting down (v0.9.8 - BTC_DAO_REGTEST mode)
Debian stretch 9.8.
Had to force quit.
Doesn't seem to be a great issue (seems related to previous similar issues) but I prefer to mention it.…
ghost updated
5 years ago
# Any user can avoid paying most of the protocol fees on short positions, and can unknowingly pay very high fee on long positions
## Summary
Protocol fee paid by the user for LIMIT or…
I am compiling according to the page: http://www.udpwork.com/item/16751.html
and got the same error when I compiled accessws/matchengine/marketprice
In de app staat het verbruik in kWh en kWh per dag met bijbehorende kosten (dus ook in de API)
Is er een mogelijkheid om dit ook in deze integratie te krijgen?
Daarnaast heb ik in mijn Fork ook al…
Il faut stocker le prix des cartes dans l'instance de WankilInventory et les save dans la save. En garder qu'une 20aines, à voir dans les sources du jeu combien ils en gardent. Pour ensuite patcher la…
Try to request .SSEA
File "/export/scratch/devel/FlaskRFA/src/service.py", line 15, in procResponse
for u in p.dispatchEventQueue():
OverflowError: bad numeric conversion: positive overflow
The Issue tracker is **ONLY** used for reporting bugs. New features should be discussed in our [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/ghostfolio/shared_invite/zt-vsaan64h-F_I0fEo5M0P88lP9ibCxFg) community o…