### Steps to reproduce
vim -u vimrc min.rb
nvim --clean min.rb
se nocp
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
{a: 0}
Moving the cursor to the `}` po…
yamam updated
2 years ago
最近の 7.4.725 で気付いたことです。
aaa xxx aaa xxx aaa
aaa yyy aaa yyy aaa
の 2 つのテキストを diff すると、中央の xxx aaa xxx と yyy aaa yyy が DiffText (gui=bold guibg=Red) でハイライトされますが、この後、matchadd("MatchParen", "aaa") を行うと…
Hi, thanks for making this awesome plugin, it makes nvim's builtin terminal much more ergonomic and user-friendly.
Sometimes I work on 2+ projects in neovim and keeps them in multiple tabs, and it …
Press % to jump between matching parens, if ... else ... end blocks, function() ... end blocks, highlight those keywords, etc.
Basicially github.com/andymass/vim-matchup
As th…
Symbols, that are shown in the beginning of wrapped lines (for example: `vim.opt.showbreak = '+++ '`), are almost invisible with the default settings. Here is a screenshot:
Can this be fixed?
This is Alacritty, Tmux, Neovim on MacOs but I have the same issue outside of Tmux and also on Arch Linux with both Alacritty and Termite. I have this in a bunch of color schemes and there are some bu…
cideM updated
6 years ago
Hi, thanks for the colorscheme!
It's beautiful but there are certain colors that look odd. For example, the current symbol highlight looks like this:
![Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10 39 42](https:/…
It's difficult to see the cursor when in visual mode because Cursor uses reverse and Visual foreground is very similar to the Normal background.
I worked around this by setting fixed cursor col…
### Steps to reproduce
When vim is run with the TERM environment variable set to a terminal having the terminfo 'colors' (or the termcap 'Co') capability NOT set (e.g., a VT100), matching parenthes…