Sometimes, the mensa is closed, but the bot still sends a message with the data for the next day. Instead, it should send either nothing or a message saying that there's no data for the current date.
Duplicates of group chats were shown, some (but not all) of which didn't contain newer messages or group title updates. Furthermore, we were able to post a message into the duplicate …
Der Aufbau der Speiseplan-Seite von sw-muenchen hat sich geändert
-> Bsp.: https://www.studentenwerk-muenchen.de/mensa/speiseplan/speiseplan_441_-de.html
Since lately, the Mensa menu includes nutrition facts for many meals (kcal, proteins, carbs, etc.) and I recently wrote a [parser](https://github.com/muety/kit-mensa-scraper) to extract these. Would y…
- Anmeldung zu Workshops direkt in der App
- ggf. schon im Vorfeld, wie bei Mensa-JT Losphase gefolgt von Windhundphase
- Verwaltung der Warteliste
- Bonusfeature: bei kurzfristigem Angebot eines Z…
The opening times seem to be placed in a `div .tx-oeffnungszeiten`. This could be used to extract the opening times for the app or another API.
E.g. http://www.studentenwerk-pb.de/gastronomie/speisep…
Here we collect the different possibilities for visualisation and the basic construct of our argument.
- Average time spent in the mensa (sum up how much a unique Mac address shows up in the time s…
- 16.10. official welcome address for all first semester students at HfK
- 17.10. general welcome address Digital Media auditorium (very similar to your welcome address)
- **17.10. Bremen city r…
If there was a option to use it as a library it could be hosted somewhere and then included in any calendar.
I've done this with a braindead php script (hosted here: https://freirum.robinglauser.ch…
The Studentenwerk website https://www.stw-bremen.de/de/essen-trinken/uni-mensa shows Symbols according to certain ingredients like Pork, Fish or a Vegan Mention. These could be implemented into the AP…