I just made a short tutorial with a tutorial image. mmd_tools needs better tutorial information, including tutorial images. How can I add this tutorial information and tutorial image into the mmd_tool…
constraintタグのbody_Aとbody_Bは、剛体のインデックス番号。剛体名の方が良くない? と思うことがままある
* blender2pmxeとのXMLとの互換性が無くなる
* PMX仕様的に、剛体名は一意かどうかは微妙
* 仕様書にはない
* PMXエディタのエラーチェック機能ではエラーになる
* だが保存はできる
* MIkuMi…
I followed the Install, and Loading Add-On steps. But Configuring Add-On steps not sure what do to here. How do i navigate to this mmd_tools Addon Preferences? Then the following steps may be more cl…
A lot of guys want to use eevee in 2.80. But, Blender 2.80 has a great gap with 2.79.
Just recording sceen is ok.
Thank you.
I have a miku model, but after I import the generated vmd and fbx to the MMD software, I found
the miku move strangely(not the same movement in the input video). Do I need to change some parameter …
Dear @Dene33
I want to ask you, do you have any suggestion for VMD(MMD) to BVH ?
This is in regards to the MMD unit page by @Hogarth-MMD:
Blender has always been 1 Blender unit = 1 meter. It's be…
@tomspilman Here this shader code compile failed using the latest content pipeline:
texture Texture;
uniform const sampler TextureSampler : register(s0) = sampler_state
I'm considering using a DMA-driven QuadSPI communication with an LCD display or a video driver at 80MHz or an 8-bit parallel bus on the sequentially arranged GPIO pins so that the performance …