I'm interested in FRP and Rust so this looks up my alley. But, the readme isn't giving me much. What kind of FRP? Do you have continuous-time? Higher order? Cycles? Purity?
Right now Mithril recalculates the VDOM while mounting over a server-side rendered HTML. Can it be optimized?
What will be the future devs that will be made on KOJS? I just want to know if it's worth it to use KOJS to develop my future web apps.
[GER] In einigen Instanzen fehlen dynamisch gespawnte Gameobjects ( Kräuter / Erze / Truhen etc.), welche zu einem abwechslungsreichen Dungeonerlebnis beitragen.
[ENG] Some instances are missing dy…
Seed for this thread: https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/653537827129565184
What is the status of Famous-angular now that the new Famous Engine with mixed mode has been released?
Has the famous-angular project been updated to the new engine? If not does it make sense to use …
One of the big reasons that Phosphor includes its own virtual DOM implementation, is because of React's patents clause. In the wake of the Apache foundation forbidding the "react+patents" license in d…
These implementations use direct DOM modification in the end user code. This means specific DOM updating code is written tailored for these specific tests.
Those implementation are expected to perf…
https://github.com/alibaba/anyproxy (AnyProxy是一个基于NodeJS的,可供插件配置的HTTP/HTTPS代理服务器。👍 💯 💯)
https://github.com/avwo/whistle (whistle是一款用Node实现的跨平台的Web调试代理工具,支持查看修改http(s)、Websocket连接的请求和响应内容 👍 💯 💯 )
We need to look up the type of a jsx expression by actually resolving the jsx factory call, so that we don't create a reference to the global `JSX.Element` type, which can change shape between react v…