Make sure that slider becomes responsive to work nicely on mobile devices.
Also on smartphones there are swipe gestures which should be supported for scrolling through slideshow.
Is it possible to make it so that it also works on mobile FF?
I can installed it on Android FF but trying to save a web page throws `Calling browser runtime failed.R efreshing might help`
Thanks for the update!
Any interest to make it's Full Representation mobile friendly?
bam80 updated
2 years ago
It would be nice if _The Evolution of Trust_ was mobile-friendly. Attached printscreen is from chrome devtools emulating iPhone 6/7/8
![screenshot from 2018-12-12 10-29-21](https://user-images.gith…
It looks like finding a way to embed PDFs that also works on a browser is going to be a work in progress.
Here are some possible solutions:
* [PDFObject HTML-only example](https://pdfobject.com/st…
I can update the UI to make it mobile friendly
Please make it under the label GSSOC 24
Does not work on mobile properly