Thanks for making the Allegro repo. be public. I was just wondering if you have any guidance or though on preparing a config file when training the Allegro that predicts stress tensor outputs a…
Hi @jy0205,
I tried to finetune the dit without AR, so is there any difference when inferencing with this kind of model, especially the i2v task? Thanks!
Thanks for providing such a usful tool SCimilarity. When will you release the model training tutorial? I am looking forward to its release.
So I have MeloTTS running on a docker faster than real time (GPU) and a FastAPI wrapper. But was wondering are there any other pre train models to use? I want to be able to change the voice to a male.…
After the search process, ("using the train_search") I end up with a weights.pt file, a log file, reduction and normal cells.
My question is how do I load the best model and do inference on it for…
Hello, this is a very good work. I would like to know what needs to be done to train my own model based on your pre-trained model. I hope you can provide some references, thank you very much
Thank you for sharing your code.
I have trained the model, but I cannot find it. I have not modified any code. Can you tell me the default directory of saving the ckpt file?
![Screenshot from 2024…
In this work, all modal data must be used during model training, but missing modal data can be used during inference, right?
### Motivation
Here's how a cpu load graph looks like for a multi-objective optimization session using the multi-fidelity facade that ran for about 46 hours an a 64 core machine (no hyperthreading,…
Thank you very much for your excellent work. Could you please tell me how many epochs you set for training this network, and how long did the training take in total?