@johngrimes @lawley @jimsteel @bevankoopman @BauerLab
Hi, the following pth is not available now. Can you share this model?
Thank you very much.
[ST][MS/modelzoo][NET][ascend][adelaide_ea] train fail
# Summary
/opt/intel/oneapi/modelzoo/latest/models/docs/notebooks/perf_analysis/profiling/patches doesn't contain patches needed for execution of jupyter notebook in /opt/intel/oneapi/modelzoo/latest…
I dowoload ./tutorials/tutorial_detection.ipynb and run ./tutorials/tutorial_detection.py ,then got the error:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'osrt_model_tools'
all the information followed as t…
I'm attempting to compile an QDQ model with the config option:
'optional_options' :
'advanced_options:prequantized_model': 1,
but it seems…
Hi all,
Please notice that all the links in the subject documentation page appear to be dead (404):
Hi, Zhongdao,
I can not download pretrain model from model zoo links,:https://github.com/Zhongdao/UniTrack/blob/54347ba1bdba0903b241e00de2b5d0dc3c1a3d14/docs/MODELZOO.md
(ImageNet classi…
是否可以更新下readme.md? modelzoo的模型和日志对应关系比较杂乱. 是否可以更新成类似res50的说明样式?
onnx转tengine发生段错误,web版本输出RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
模型: onnx modelzoo里面的ultraface
I am interesting in building multilingual foundational datasets.
IT would take from mc4 and/or oscar and apply language specific filters and processing
In short, it would be multilingual-SlimPaj…