In the binding event example (http://developer.yahoo.com/cocktails/mojito/docs/code_exs/binding_events.html) in the section "Setting Up this Example" point 8, you should remove line 2 "var API_KEY = '…
I want to access `yui-lang` type resources and their `yui.name` but this: https://github.com/yahoo/mojito/blob/develop/lib/app/addons/rs/yui.js#L545
won't let me. Please find another way to return the…
做一个有温度和有干货的技术分享作者 —— Qborfy 背景前阵子搞了一下如何在Vue项目中加载远程的组件,文章为【低代码平台加载远端组件解决方案(1)——defineAsyncComponent】,遗留一些问题,就是如何在项目中实际应用,因为所有的问题都来源自实际项目,所以本文会…
Applying yolov5 on Big Buck Bunny, there are too few detections!
We should find a better demo video.
How can i get AddTargetEntity work on only players and not NPCs and get it working with ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer ?
I imported an xliff translation file with some trans-unit that have state="new".
Then, from the webapp, I set the translation for those fields and validate.
Wonder if `HTML5App` should look for "/tunnel" even if there are no components with any `server` affinity?
We have defaults.json, master section, an array containing default elements to our mojit.
Then we have applications.json, specialized section, mojit config, an array containing more specialized eleme…
has the same function names, easy to sub in.
Or if you wanna get crazy https://github.com/yjh0502/rjs