I have 2 fieldset in a formless setup: **mortgage_reason** and **credit_status**
Within my formFields I have this:
'id': 'mortgage_reason',
'tag': "fieldset",
In [`461ec24`](https://github.com/hupratt/upptime/commit/461ec243eab4e17f824e5178dcbbf5c6aa1ac1cd
), Mortgage Calculator (https://minio-api.thekor.eu/mortgage-calculator-f1492f08-f236-4a55-afb7-70ded2…
In [`9c8ce6d`](https://github.com/hupratt/upptime/commit/9c8ce6dc0a62c01a44487cca3632f5c90ed06b24
), Mortgage Calculator (https://minio-api.thekor.eu/mortgage-calculator-f1492f08-f236-4a55-afb7-70ded2…
In [`13f7ebd`](https://github.com/hupratt/upptime/commit/13f7ebdc8bb75e8805273613a2c6cd751258f59f
), Mortgage Calculator (https://minio-api.thekor.eu/mortgage-calculator-f1492f08-f236-4a55-afb7-70ded2…
**Describe the bug**
The dropdown for debt and liability details has a field for "nature of debt/liability" which needs to have more options
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. …
### Terminology
- Mortgage assets: tài sản thế chấp
- Bank: ngân hàng
- Branch: chi nhánh ngân hàng
### Context 1:
**As a bank staff:**
- I want to create a new bank
- I want to update infor…
# Make some improvements for the research questions
## Original question(from original report directly)
- Primary question
What factors can affect House Price Index (HPI) and how they affect HP…
**Describe the bug**
Not sure it is the case for all examples, but for the mortgage ETL + XGBoost example there are some non-trivial discrepancies. Example:
python script has udfs: https://github…
This may be a major undertaking. However, we get paid biweekly/fortnightly. The underfunded auto assign is not helpful because we budget half our goal/target for an expense per paycheck. …