When I use Vmamba as the backbone, it works fine on cuda:0, but an error is prompted on cuda:1.
"mod, func, n_regs, n_spills = cuda_utils.load_binary(self.metadata["name"], self.asm["cubin"], self.sh…
# 💻 cs
## 📚 mask (total: 9)
### 📃 Deep Pneumonia: Attention-Based Contrastive Learning for Class-Imbalanced Pneumonia Lesion Recognition in Chest X-rays
- **Authors:** Xinxu Wei, Haohan Bai, Xianshi …
Hello, I am very interested in your Knowledge-Guided program. Your paper on EMNLP 2024, "Knowledge-Guided Dynamic Modality Attention Fusion Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Xinyu Feng, Yum…
I am really inspired of and thank for your nice work.
The question is "Why is text encoder frozen when training?".
When I fine-tune VISTA model using other dataset such as M-BEIR, the results wi…
this is the results i've got on MSRVTT, which is really far worse than the paper results:
There must be something wrong in my test process and here's how i get this:
1. I've tried to run the text-…
do you have code/data for multivariate classification datasets with categorical values ?
`image_len` is not uesd in calculate attn?
How to make Multi-Input-Single-Output segmentation?
Could you please provide some suggestions about how to handle multi-input such as depth and rgb, while to the maximum keeping the mmseg structure…
This RFC was re-created due to a problem with the original. Summary of comments from previous issue below.
### 🚀 The feature
**TL;DR \-** We want to lean into **modular Multi-Threading/Multi-Pr…