## MyBatis version
## Database vendor and version
MySQL Oracle community edition version 5.7.13
## Test case or example project
Spring Boot Version: 3.2.5
19:04:33.311 [restartedMain] INFO c.e.c.m.Application - [logStarting,50] - Starting Application using Java 17.0.6 with PID 104932
19:04:33.314 [restartedMain] DEBUG…
1. [ ] logging
2. [ ] mybatis 동적 query
3. [x] 댓글 저장
4. [x] 댓글 쓴 사람이 로그인한 사람일시, 삭제버튼 노출
5. [ ] 좋아요
6. [x] zenhub 플러그인
7. [ ] Nelo
8. [ ] 2022년 3월 7일 수업 받기
9. [ ] uri?
10. [ ] Interveptor
Oracle has optimizer hint feature on select statements , add ability to provide this hits here is an example of **PARALLEL** hint
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(4) */ customers.cust_first_name, customers…
What version of the MyBatis are you using?
Testing with MyBatis 3.2.0 Nov 4th Snapshot
Please describe the problem. Unit tests are best!
Start up time is 20% slower when using 3.2.0. Went from …
### 기본 환경설정
- yml 을 통해서 설정을 진행한다
- [x] jsp 설정하기
- [x] database 설정하기
mybatis log版本:
I have encountered a new exception as follows when I use flacoco to localize an NPE bug in [https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/commit/5a26fd106832fc70c08d0a1597a1999798236581](https://github.com/myb…
What version of the MyBatis are you using? 3.1.1
Please describe the problem. Unit tests are best!
A table description like the following that specifies a generated-key column
should create a…